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The Zeal

Ethical Advisor: Mufti Abdul Nana

Mufti Abdullah Ebrahim Nana: Director of Affairs at the Islamic Center of Mill Valley serves the global community as a teacher, Imam, Mufti, a specialist in Islamic Finance and Halal food, and much more. A California native (born and raised), through hard work and with the grace of Allah SWT, graduated with honors from the University of California at Berkeley ( Business Administration ) with honors. In order to pursue his desire for Islamic knowledge, Mufti Abdullah traveled to Madrasah Arabiyyah Islamiyyah in Azaadville, South Africa, where he studied the rigorous and intensive ‘Alim course for seven years.  Mufti Abdullah also completed his specialization in Islamic jurisprudence (iftaa) and obtained authorization from his teachers to issue Shariah verdicts (FATWAS).

Currently, an imam at the Islamic Center of Mill Valley, California, just north of San Francisco, has a distinct advantage over many of his fellow imams and Scholars due to his bachelor’s degree in business. Abdullah Nana is a widely-accepted research scholar in the fields of Halal and Islamic Finance. He is also a guest speaker at various universities and Masjids.

Currently, he servers in several institutes under different positions as responsibilities including from Director to teacher. Some of them are

  1. Shariah Consultant and Advisor: UIF Corporation
  2. Director of Affairs at the Islamic Center of Mill Valley, CA
